Thursday, August 27, 2009

Equivalence postscript

The show officially closes on Sunday and from the opening reception, two sales and random comments, it was a success. Here are a few comments I received via e-mail. I may post some of them on the website...

You see Oregon just like I do. Many do not see it, but you definitely do- thats why I am so attracted to your photographs.

Courtney Brazil, Portland

They say a great photographer has to train and focus their mind and heart into the lens of the camera. It is clear to us that you have accomplished that so very well. Your work is cerebral, sensitive and creative. We had many favorites and could tell others visiting your exhibits were impressed as well.

Tom Lichatowitch, Silverton

I wandered by design into Lunaria last Wednesday to see your show. Wonderful! I love the opening photo of the thistle leaves. They could be almost anything, the landscape of a far-off planet even, and the frost highlights their structure, and the framing of the shot captures the beauty and mystery. Also, the shot of the wall in Salem (I believe) was marvelous. Its appearance changed while I looked at it from a surface of badly decaying paint and scuffs and smudge to a photo of flowers or abstract art. The clouds, the tempestuous sky, way cool. I do not know how you took that shot, but it seems like you were miles in the sky shooting down this tunnel from stormy skies to blue. The wall of rock with the ‘eye sockets’ changed the longer I looked at it. I truly admire your ability to see the equivalence and beauty in what appears to me to be a rock or dirty wall. The shots are wonderfully framed capturing the essence without anything extra.

Jeff Klein, Silverton