Monday, November 12, 2012


 The images below were taken the same day as the previous post, in Eureka, California. It was a few days after Halloween and some of the window displays were holiday-themed. Others were surreal. With the exception of the veiled doll photo, all the photos were taken in black & white. In one instance, I preferred the color RAW file and processed it. In the last image, I  chose to show both versions. In that case, I think neither of them is better than the other, just different.

As to the titles: sometimes I get the urge to channel Manuel Alvarez Bravo and offer up obscure referential titles. Some make sense, others are private jokes. Part of the process of informing the photographs...

Cherub with Infantry, Arcata, California – 11.2012

Woman with Red Purse, Arcata, California – 11.2012

Homage to DeChirico, Arcata, California – 11.2012

Chemistry, Arcata, California – 11.2012

Veiled Doll, Arcata, California – 11.2012

Brain offering, Arcata, California – 11.2012

Sirens, Arcata, California – 11.2012

Skull and Crossbones, Arcata, California – 11.2012

Woman in Tile, Arcata, California – 11.2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012


The previous post was called "reflections." In it I mentioned that the subject is one I keep going back to. I found some interesting subjects in the windows of Eureka, and later, in Arcata, California. This one appealed to me because my wife and I have three pet ducks (among myriad other creatures). None, however have two heads. I shot it as a monotone, but when I reviewed the files, I also liked the RAW color version. It isn't as somber. 

Zoltar, Eureka, California- 11.12

The two images above are also, like the reflections, representative of unconscious themes; boarded up windows and doors. The door was taken in a picturesque sounding locale: Snug Alley.